Scene from „Andrea Che­nier“ by Umber­to Giordano:
Roswitha Christi­na Müller as La Con­tes­sa di Coigny

Curriculum Vitae

Roswitha-Christi­na Müller‘s next engage­ments at the Zurich Opera House will be; In the 2020/21 and 2021/22 sea­sons the Alisa in ” Lucia di Lam­mer­moor” and in the sea­son 2022/23 the Queen of Hearts in the world pre­miere ” Alice in Won­der­land” by Pierange­lo Valtinoni.

The Munich-born mez­zo-sopra­no fin­ished her edu­ca­tion in 1995 after study­ing at the Munich Uni­ver­si­ty of Music and the Mozar­teum Uni­ver­si­ty Salzburg with dis­tinc­tion and was hon­oured with the “Hon­orary Prize” of the Fed­er­al Min­istry of Cul­ture in Vien­na. At a young age, she com­plet­ed an eight years clas­si­cal bal­let train­ing. As part of the Salzburg Cul­tur­al Days, she made her stage debut and from 1995 to 2001 she was a per­ma­nent mem­ber of the ensem­ble at the Lan­desthe­ater Salzburg as well as a guest at the Stadtthe­ater Kla­gen­furt. From 2000 she has made guest appear­ances at the State the­atre Saar­brück­en, Karl­sruhe, Stuttgart, the Deutsches Nation­althe­ater Weimar, the Czech Nation­al The­atre Prague, the Deutsche Oper am Rhein Düsseldorf/Duisburg, the State opera house  Ham­burg and the Opera Zuid in Maas­tricht. She had out­stand­ing suc­cess with roles such as Edoar­do in “Matilde di Shabran” at the Rossinifes­ti­val Bad Wild­bad, with Char­lotte in “Werther”, with the fox in “Schlaues Füch­slein”, with Hero­dias in “Salome”, as well as for the first time with Well­gunde, Siegrune and 2.Norne in the Lübeck­er Ring. In 2011 Roswitha-Christi­na Müller moved into the dra­mat­ic field and became an ensem­ble mem­ber at the Staat­sthe­ater Nurem­berg in 2012. Her reper­toire expand­ed with Judith in “Bluebaerd‘s cas­tle”, For­eign Duchess in “Rusal­ka”, Car­men, Mar­guerite in “Damna­tion de Faust”, Hero­dias, Ade­laide, Witch, Count­ess in “Pique Dame”. Among the most impor­tant roles of Roswitha-Christi­na Müller are R.Wagner’s Brangäne, Fric­ka, Wal­traute, G.Verdi’s Amner­is, Princess Eboli and Azu­ce­na, espe­cial­ly  by  H.Berlioz Mar­guerite in “Damna­tion de Faust” and Cas­san­dre in “Les Troyens”. She has giv­en con­certs at the Laeiszhalle Ham­burg, the Gewand­haus Leipzig, the Herku­lessaal Munich,the Rhein­gau Music Fes­ti­val Wies­baden and last in the Roy­al Con­cert­ge­bouw Ams­ter­dam. She has made repeat­ed appear­ances at the Bavar­i­an State Opera in Munich, at the Ham­burg and Hanover State Operas, at the Deutsche Oper am Rhein Düs­sel­dorf at the State the­atre Karl­sruhe, Oper Köln, Deutsche Oper Berlin, at the Teatro Comu­nale di Mod­e­na and Fer­rara, at the Grand The­atre de Gen­eve, Nation­al The­ater Taipei and Nation­al Taichung The­ater Taiwan.Roswitha-Christina Müller, under the patron­i­ty of Kir­ill Petrenko, Kent Nagano, Shao-Chia Lü, John Fiore, Alexan­der Joel, Antho­ny Her­mus, Axel Kober, Ste­fan Soltesz, Markus Bosch, Gabor Kali, Francesco Cor­ti, Michael Güt­tler, Kon­stan­tin Trinks, Justin Brown, Jaap van Zwee­den and with direc­tors such as Christoph Loy, Andreas Kriegen­burg, Cal­ix­to Bieito, Renaud Doucet, Antho­ny Pilavac­chi, Dieter Kae­gi, Nad­ja Loschky and Este­ban Munoz of ” Fura dels Baus“.